Sustainability, It's The Little Things

Sunday, 1 March 2020

When deciding that you wish you pursue a more sustainable lifestyle, you may often feel pressured and totally overwhelmed. I know I did. But actually, it really doesn't have to be that way. Being more sustainable is about doing what's right for you. It's not about rooting through your cupboards and disposing of everything 'non-sustainable' and replacing those items with expensive, 'sustainable' alternatives. It also isn't all about metal straws and bamboo toothbrushes. I tried a bamboo toothbrush once, it didn't last half as long as my normal toothbrush and when it had reached the end of it's life... that was it. I still use a plastic toothbrush but it lasts a relatively long time and then when i'm finished with it, it becomes a cleaning utensil. Toothbrushes are great for getting those awkward nooks and crannies clean - shower door i'm talking to you!

To me, sustainability is about making conscious decisions that fit into your lifestyle and more importantly, your budget. For example, if you're in the supermarket and there is the option to purchase loose vegetables and fruit - fill your bags! It's often more budget friendly to purchase produce this way. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to buy produce because it's wrapped in plastic packaging. We can't purchase what doesn't exist and it simply isn't sustainable or convenient to trek all over town, just to source plastic free produce. Another thing I like to do, is check what vegetables are in season and see if I can purchase locally sourced produce. Seasonal vegetables taste so much better and i'm happy to know that i'm supporting local farmers.

What i'm trying to say, is that you should focus more on reducing and not completely cutting back. We live in an economy that is constantly changing to suit the needs of consumers and already supermarkets are listening to our need for more sustainable practice. I believe that in a few years time things will look very different.

Earth Day is on Wednesday the 22nd of April and i'd like to use this event as a milestone to encourage you to think about what little things you could do to help the planet and yourself. I've recently discovered a tool called Do Nation which encourages healthier habits for people and the planet. It allows you to make pledges to support this notion and demonstrates how much CO2 your actions will save - it even converts this into bananas to make it a little bit more realistic! Each pledge has an information page which is full of really interesting facts. What I love most is that this organisation doesn't just focus on the planet, it focuses on you as a human being too. It also appreciates the fact that it's simply not possible for us all to live a zero waste, carbon neutral lifestyle. Hallelujah!

I've initiated a 2 month campaign which will conclude at the end of April and I'd really love for you to get on board and make your own pledges. Please also forward the link to your friends and family - it would be great to get as many people as possible involved!

To read more about my pledges and make some pledges yourself, please head over to my campaign page:

Don't forget to share with your friends and family... and remember, it's the little things that make a big difference.

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